Annie Gray is a Detective with the City Police. She’s married with 2 young children and a successful husband Andrew. She’s also having an affair with her best friend’s husband. She has everything under control until one day a package shows up in the mail. The package contain explicit photographs of her and her lover at a local hotel and extortion for 20,000 dollars and date and time for delivery.
Across town, a Business Man, Norman Graham, receives a bundle in the mail. He too is married and is having an affair. And, the demand is the same, 20,000 dollars in cash.
Tony and Murray are two brothers from a wealthy family. Their father has them on a very restricted budget until one day their father decides to cut them of in an effort to force them to go to work. Then they meet Jimmy Street. Jimmy has a lot of money and lends the boys some cash for one month. A moth later, when they cannot pay when they can’t pay it back a month later , Jimmy recruits them into his gang of very successful extortionists.
Tony and Murray join three other team members, Steve, Armand and Shelley to become the “Pandas”. Together they become Jimmy’s most successful operation. The Panda’s use fast cars, text messaging, email, phone cameras, SLR’s and ever other tool in order to cash in on other peoples failings. The Panda’s develop a network of contacts who provide them with a lost of possible victims..
Bruce, a local business is into Domination and he becomes the target of the Panda team. Bruce is soundly beaten by his dominatrix for accusing her of being party to the extortion. Bruce’s wife, watches her husband fall apart after the beating and decides to call the police. Detective Annie Gray is assigned to the investigation. She sees the hallmarks of the Extortion used on her. And she is now focused on catching the criminals.
Tony come face to face with Detective Gray after a foot race through an urban community. She catches him, but he won’t talk. Detective Gray has a bigger plan. She begins a personal surveillance of Tony. She sees Tony as the weak link and works on him.
Tony meets Beth, and he’s embarrassed to disclose his secret life to her and he, decides that he wants out. But Tony’s brother, Murray, and Jimmy has other ideas. They conspire to kill Tony if he doesn’t change his mind and get back to work. After a severe beating, and threats against his new girlfriend, Tony agrees to stay in the Pandas.
Annie breaks into Tony’s new apartment and finds his stash of printed photographs of “Marks” and one in particular is very interesting. When Tony arrives home, he is met by the detective and after a short but decisive fight, Tony concedes and opens up to her. Annie show Tony the photographs and asks Tony about one in particular . A photo of Jimmy Street. Tony admits that Jimmy is his boss only Annie knows him by a different name Andrew Gray, her husband.
Annie confronts Jimmy Street (Andrew) and there is a terrible fight. Jimmy is killed and Annie has to hide the body.
Then Annie pulls the entire Panda team in and, with the assistance of her under cover cop friend and Tony’s girlfriend Beth, Annie takes control of the gang. Life goes on.
The last scene of the film shows the police finding Andrews’ body.
Across town, a Business Man, Norman Graham, receives a bundle in the mail. He too is married and is having an affair. And, the demand is the same, 20,000 dollars in cash.
Tony and Murray are two brothers from a wealthy family. Their father has them on a very restricted budget until one day their father decides to cut them of in an effort to force them to go to work. Then they meet Jimmy Street. Jimmy has a lot of money and lends the boys some cash for one month. A moth later, when they cannot pay when they can’t pay it back a month later , Jimmy recruits them into his gang of very successful extortionists.
Tony and Murray join three other team members, Steve, Armand and Shelley to become the “Pandas”. Together they become Jimmy’s most successful operation. The Panda’s use fast cars, text messaging, email, phone cameras, SLR’s and ever other tool in order to cash in on other peoples failings. The Panda’s develop a network of contacts who provide them with a lost of possible victims..
Bruce, a local business is into Domination and he becomes the target of the Panda team. Bruce is soundly beaten by his dominatrix for accusing her of being party to the extortion. Bruce’s wife, watches her husband fall apart after the beating and decides to call the police. Detective Annie Gray is assigned to the investigation. She sees the hallmarks of the Extortion used on her. And she is now focused on catching the criminals.
Tony come face to face with Detective Gray after a foot race through an urban community. She catches him, but he won’t talk. Detective Gray has a bigger plan. She begins a personal surveillance of Tony. She sees Tony as the weak link and works on him.
Tony meets Beth, and he’s embarrassed to disclose his secret life to her and he, decides that he wants out. But Tony’s brother, Murray, and Jimmy has other ideas. They conspire to kill Tony if he doesn’t change his mind and get back to work. After a severe beating, and threats against his new girlfriend, Tony agrees to stay in the Pandas.
Annie breaks into Tony’s new apartment and finds his stash of printed photographs of “Marks” and one in particular is very interesting. When Tony arrives home, he is met by the detective and after a short but decisive fight, Tony concedes and opens up to her. Annie show Tony the photographs and asks Tony about one in particular . A photo of Jimmy Street. Tony admits that Jimmy is his boss only Annie knows him by a different name Andrew Gray, her husband.
Annie confronts Jimmy Street (Andrew) and there is a terrible fight. Jimmy is killed and Annie has to hide the body.
Then Annie pulls the entire Panda team in and, with the assistance of her under cover cop friend and Tony’s girlfriend Beth, Annie takes control of the gang. Life goes on.
The last scene of the film shows the police finding Andrews’ body.